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Updated 30/12/2015







Pierre CHAUSSEBOURG created the CMR L’ ASC Venours in 1970; in 1989 it changed name to become CERCLE MODELISTE RULLICOIS. Originally free flight, the club opened its doors to control line in 1975 and then radio control in about 1980. Today, these three categories are actively practised. The CMR was finally equipped in 1994 with the opening of the Regional Stadium of Aero modelling.

The club now has 40 members half of which flies control line. The flagship competition organised since 1992 by our association is the “International Tournament Mélusin”, counting towards the World cup. We were the first to receive, in 1997, the Chinese World Championship team. The 9th edition of this competition will be held in September 2009. During these competitions we receive competitors from Germany, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, China and France. The club organized the Championships d' Europe 2003.

Creation of the club: standard association law 1901:

Our club was created by Pierre CHAUSSEBOURG, Professor of EPS (éducation physique et sportive) at the lycée of Vencours. Membership of the FFAM was recorded on 14 March 1970 under the name “Association Sportive et Culturelle de Venours” (ASCV) and N° 851 which we have always kept. At the start 1980, in order to cement a relationship with the flying-club of Couhé-Vérac, our club kept its initials but was called Aéro-Sport-Couhé-Venours. The agricultural college wishing to recover the room placed at our disposal, the association found refuge in the community hall of the town hall of Rouillé at the end of 1989. Dormant for several years, activity restarted and association was stated with the Préfecture de la Vienne on 14 June 1990 under the current name of “Cercle Modeliste Rullicois”.


In the Sixties, the interns of the college returned home only one or twice per month, some even did not see their family at Christmas and Easter. As practicing model aircraft makers, they had the “opportunity to escape”. They travelled to grounds for free flight under the responsibility of Pierre Chaussebourg who took them along in the college’s small Peugeot van. The Control Line arrived in 1975, the grounds of the EPS providing an ideal surface for the practice of this activity. The ASCV organized its first Championship of France for Control Line in June 1979; it was an immense success. The Radio Controlled Flight appeared at the beginning of 1980. Unlike the two other categories it was a leisure only activity.

The terrain:

As free flight was performed at the aerodrome of Couhé-Vérac or in the fields of Parandeau and control line was performed at the College, it became necessary to find a ground for the radio control. At the start of 1980, the club found a ground in wasteland at the edge of the railway located at the boundary of the departments, Deux-Sèvres and La Vienne. Some work was even undertaken to clean it but the proximity of the railway hampered the development enormously. The neophytes were not at ease with it and some models “landed” in SNCF telephone wires (without any damage to them) making us leave this place. When in 1990, the club was started again, activity continued on the EPS grounds of the College and we very quickly became aware that the noise of our engines (no, not that of the mowers, that of the planes) annoyed the neighbours and that we had to find a replacement solution. In 1992 we searched for a ground and we found an area with the potential to create a stadium in the plain of Chauday. Contact was made with the commune and we acquired the ground that was then a neglected vineyard. Plans and study supplements were carried out, which represented “a few hours of meetings and a wonderful pile of files”. The members of the club pulled up their socks and in the winter 1992/93, 25 Saturday mornings were devoted to grubbing, cleaning andpulling up. Strong will and determination reigned in our small group which encouraged us to carry out our project to the end. The Municipality of Rouillé directed by Mr. Guillon and our General advisor Mr. Huguet gave us their support and lent weight to the project for the financial applications. There were visits to the Hôtel de Région, contact with our Federation and as we could not always be available, some city councilmen represented us on the site to meet the “Police de l'Air et des Frontières” which judged the site “quasi-ideal”. On the ground, CFPPA of Venours and its public works department proceeded pulling up stumps and dug trenches in which we deposited some 700m of drains in the summer 93. In spring 94, it was the turn of the public works machines again; the next stage was entrusted to Ste. BELLIN of Lusignan which carried out excellent work in record time. The site was due to be handed back on 1st June 1994 and they completed on time. The stadium was given priority to the young people of the club, a “semi-official” inauguration proceeded on June 5 at the same time a small competition which was organised for them. The official unveiling was celebrated on 11 June 1994 with the holding of the“2nd INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT MELUSIN”. Mrs Lionel HUGUET, Président du Conseil Général and Robert GUILLON, Maire de Rouillé cut the tricolour ribbon jointly. The Fédération Française d'Aéromodélisme was represented by its treasurer Mr. Pierre LADIEU, l' U.R.A.M. by its President, Mr. Robert BERTON and the CTVCC by its Secrétaire Rapporteur, Mr. Bruno DELOR. Many elected officials attended this event during which one could admire a demonstration of radio controlled planes and helicopters.




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